This whole blog thing is getting a little over my head I think. I have come to fully understand how people lose track of their blog or fail to post for a while. My apologies for being a little bit behind schedule with my blog.
Today was day 1 in San Francisco and what a day it was. Although we took hiking off the list of things to do for a little while, our feet probably didnt like us anymore today than all the days before. I was up around 7 to go for a run through the city and get the day started while JD and Derek opted to get some more sleep. I cant blame them at all but if you know how I like my sleep the situation here is a little unorthodox. Needless to say I got temporarily lost before returning to the apartment. The thing about that is that I knew I was going to get lost going into the run so I did my best to avoid it and somehow still got mixed up. I guess thats what you would call a self-fulfilling prophecy.
John Paul drew us an incredible map of the muni lines and sites to see for the day (he's an architectural engineer.) Despite taking the muni line to the other side of the city before we got to where we wanted to be, we did make it to our first destination- Pier 39. I really am amazed at the new and exciting places we go. Each day surprises me in how new and refreshing it can be.
I will not bore you with the details of the city but I will say that if you enjoy cities San Francisco is a great one to visit. While it is obviously a big city, it has a quaint feel to it with a hint of europe. Along our way through our quick tour of San Francisco we stopped by or visited Fisherman's Wharf, Pier 39, Pier 33 (Alcatraz), the financial district, Ghiradelli square, and the bay bridge which we crossed yesterday.
The big event of the day came in the evening when we really broke the bank and treated ourselves to a Giants vs. Cardinals game at ATT&T Park. As you can see, the Giants play in a gorgeous stadium with views that are probably more exciting than the game itself. After all, it is exciting can it be. The Giants squeaked out a 4-2 game which was mildly exciting on my baseball excitement scale. Like so much of the trip has, the game reminded us that sometimes the best experiences are not the sites you see or the trips you take but the people you meet and the relationships you build. We had an awesome time at the game together laughing, freezing our tails off, joking about how it would cost just as much to buy a popcorn as it would to buy a sweatshirt, and chatting with a really friendly Australian family we sat by.
In what seems to be becoming a regular habit we quickly returned home and prepared for sleep but not before a venture for some In N Out Burger. Unfortunately we could not find the delicious goodness that the fine establishment packs into their less than healthy food. The days are beginning to get longer and our energy levels are beginning to wane. Enjoyment and fulfillment levels are still high in the sky but the energy supply is slowly depleting. A full day of rest maybe in the works for tomorrow.
Road Kill Update: A whopping 52!! Its a good think God created a lot of animals that nobody likes because these guys are dropping like flies.
Pull Over Count- 36!! Yes, 36 poor victims had to endure the gut-wrenching feeling of seeing the lights behind them and the huge monetary fine that ensues. Not that I've ever been in that position but I can imagine what it would be like. I will also take this moment to point out that we have yet to even provoke a glance from a police officer. If any of you out there placed bets on how many tickets this group of law abiding citizens would be getting, you might as well pay up now.
Quote of the day: From a cup in Yosemite Park: "While in Yosemite make like the animals and use your feet"
Its a beautiful day
Dont let it get away
Its a beautiful day
Think about it- Every day is what we make it. Make today a beautiful day. Chase the adventures of the day and live the life you've always wanted.
Later Days,
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